Biomes and biochoria: making sense of biogeographic units

Biomes and biochoria: making sense of biogeographic units
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Current advances in biogeographic concepts and methods tend to crush in the definition and the explanatory potential of ecological versus historical classifications (i.e. the controversy between biomas and biochoras). This has not just scientific interest, but also practical application classifying degrees of human footprint in the defined bioregions. The main goal of the seminar is therefore to discuss latitudinal and altitudinal patters of distribution in different biotic groups in different regions, in an integrated framework, for informing biogeographic regionalization and conservation priorization.
1 PM – 4 PM Chile Standard Time (5-8 PM UTC)
TIME | Theme | Presenter | Affiliation |
1 PM | Intro to seminar | Serban Proches | |
1:05 PM | Geographical and environmental correlates of floristic structure in Hengduan Mountains, China | Qin Li | Department of Science and Education, Field Museum, Chicago |
1:30 PM | Evolution of the Biota of the Arid Diagonal of South America | Fernando C. V. Zanella | Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana – UNILA, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, Brasil |
2:00 PM | Biogeographic Disjunction in Andean South America | Andrés Moreira-Muñoz & Gabriela del Valle Elías | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Universidad de Chilecito, Argentina |
2:30 PM | Humboldt and Caldas: biogeography in the northern Andes. | Carlos E. González-Orozco | Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria- Agrosavia, Villavicencio Puerto López, Meta, Colombia |
3:00 PM | Biomes and Biochoria | Serban Proches | School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
University of KwaZulu-Natal |
3:30 PM | Conclusions | All presenters |
Additional Details
Event Country - Chile